The Effectiveness Of High And Low Dose Fish Oil For Treatment

Write a appraisal in an essay style paper.”effectiveness of the high-dose fish oil and low-dose.”

Section 1: What was the study about?
What was the research question?
Who was eligible to participate in the study?;
How many groups were there and what did each group receive?
What outcomes (dependent variables) were measured and when? The Effectiveness Of High And Low Dose Fish Oil For Treatment

Section 2: What is the risk of bias in the study?


How did the researchers control allocation bias?Were participants randomly assigned to groups and how as this doneWas the allocation sequence concealed?
How did the researchers control performance bias?Were participants blind?Was blinding successful?Were the people providing the intervention blind?
How did the researchers control detection bias? Were the outcome assessors blind?
How did the researchers control attrition bias? What was the withdrawal rate (loss to follow up) in each group over time? Did they use intention to treat analysis? The Effectiveness Of High And Low Dose Fish Oil For Treatment